Country’s Union Minister, Jyotiradtiya Scindia, announced on Thursday, a 100-day plan for Civil Aviation Sector, planned after “combined consultations”

Jyotiradtiya Scindia, Union Minister, declared on Thursday, a 100-day plan sketched out for the Civil Aviation sector which would mainly focus on 16 areas. The project highlights the policy norms and development of Indian airports and heliports. Scindia informed that plan is carved out after “combined consultations” 

According to the plan, 8 out of 16 areas are associated with the policy, and 4 concerns with reforms. In the midst of the rest, 6 heliports will be constructed in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand under the territorial air connectivity scheme UDAN. The Government also declared a new policy on Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) activities.

Scindia shared that the ultimate goal is to make our country a global hub for MRO. In view of this, to spur the MRO activities, the government has picked out 8 airports including Kolkata and Delhi, to invite investments and to boost the MRO activities.

After the covid-19 outbreak, the Civil Aviation sector was observed to be going downhill. However, with the help of this brand new plan, the sector will be reflecting impeccable recovery.