Growth in business depends on how companies deliver customer experience. An entrepreneur with a creative mindset can tailor a phenomenal product. That product, with the help of skilled individuals and effective leadership, leads to business scalability. Oftentimes, customers aim to spend on items that bring some value to their lives in exchange for the money being given. 

A good product is further sharing a positive impact on the market, if the companies making the product build a stellar after sales service. With rising consumer spending, demand tends to skyrocket. This means if a company is out there selling a brilliant product, they should definitely have a service backup.

Table of contents-

  • How companies are analyzing customer experience?
  • What has AI got to do with customer experience?
  • Some features of AI chatbot.
  • The future of AI is on the right path. 
AI Chatbot Tools

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We are all aware of the technological advancements in the modern economy. Experts are suggesting that automation is the key to business growth in 2024. Innovations like artificial intelligence are leveraged by companies to deal with customer experience. As per report, companies are using AI chatbots to improve customer experience. 

Today, the market in any broad or niche domain is competitive. These companies are going above and beyond to stand apart from their competitors. With AI chatbots, it is giving a boost to their company credibility as chatbots are reported to handle customer feedback in a productive and efficient manner. With Artificial Intelligence, customers can come across a speedy response to their queries. This will streamline the process for a company and help in retaining customers for the seamless service being offered to them.

How are companies analyzing customer experience?

AI chatbot tools have been around the market for a long time. With the progress in technological resources like artificial intelligence, chatbots are operating in a smarter manner. It is interesting to analyze the fact that machine learning is helping companies gain insights about customer behavior and mindset which is creating several opportunities.

While getting any product, in today’s economy, customers are embracing a holistic experience. It matters to them to the point that these customers are choosing to collaborate with a company that has a clear vision with their products and ecosystem. How a customer feels about a business is pivotal for a company to ensure a sustainable customer-base for growth. 

How are companies analyzing customer experience

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As per reports, it is challenging to measure the feelings of a customer. But how a customer supports a company and their motto can be identified by having a conversation with them. Such incidents generally occur during customer feedback calls or through AI chatbot tools. Data suggests that about 74% of customers decide to buy a product based on their experience with a company. 

It can be considered from this data that one bad experience can cost a company, a customer, who was willing to be associated for a long time. If a customer gets a personalized experience, it is reported to enhance the credibility of the company. As per reports, customers have expressed their desire to the company, which should think them as a valued part of the community. 

Getting a product that works great as per market demand is not just the case anymore. After sales holds a huge portion of metrics for a company to look for sustainable scalability. 

In this case, AI chatbot tools play a significant role in collecting data and understanding the market sentiments. Suggesting products to customers based on their search history is a great way to portray personalized experience for the customers.

Data suggests that any remarkable product by an industry leader company cannot not guarantee customer loyalty. As per experts, 70% customers choose to go for companies, which are providing a personalized experience and embrace latest innovations. 

Customers tend to get more frustrated or agitated, if the company fails to deliver on their products. It can be related to backdated features, poor customer service and many other metrics. In an age of automation and quick resolving of matters, young customers are choosing companies that are aligning with their interests.

What has AI got to do with customer experience? 

Top-tier companies predict that with the help of artificial intelligence, the economy of the world could enter a transformative phase. These innovations could contribute about $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030, as per experts. Artificial Intelligence, as the name suggests, helps a machine to learn tasks that are being done by humans.

  • AI chatbot tools, not only look into customer experience with speed and personalization, but also are accurate in nature. Reports suggest that about 76% of customers encountered answers from a customer agent, which ultimately led to an unresolved situation. With chatbots, they have pre-stored information in their knowledge database, so it is unlikely that customers get the wrong response in most cases. 
  • This reduces a lot of inconsistencies in a conversation between a customer and an AI chatbot tool. With the help of advanced algorithms and machine learning processes, devices can learn several tasks and are said to perform those tasks in a repetitive manner. 

By leveraging artificial intelligence, customers can get more acquainted with self-service. Reports suggest that customers tend to draw towards brands that offer self-service solutions. With self-service, customers can get their inquiry resolved more quickly. Chatbots with self-service facilities often come with an intuitive interface. Customers get to find their answers from any FAQ page or by interacting with the chatbot tool in a live setting. 

Data suggests that some companies even integrated a system for transactions for customers through a chatbot tool. Some examples of these can be found in payment gateways at grocery stores, accessing an AI chatbot to renew or change subscription plans or looking into a scanner to check the prices of products. 

The ways of using AI are getting better and smoother for the customers and it is interesting to look into gradual innovations in this sector. In the end, companies can save costs and focus more on product performance and customer retention. 

What has AI got to do with customer experience

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AI models can read and process huge amounts of customer data, identify irregularities and learn patterns. Since machines are inanimate objects, they can run without exhaustion. Looking into the past, AI along with chatbots have been there in the market for several years. The first chatbot was reported to be created in 1966 in MIT. The tool was named ELIZA and it picked up keywords in a chat and provided open-ended questions. 

Today, with artificial intelligence, chatbots have become more smart and they perform a ‘friendly engagement’ with the users. Machine learning techniques are further perfecting chatbots to perform in a way that is more than just automated assistants. 

Some of the features of AI chatbots-

  • AI chatbot tools efficiently read customer data. With this insightful information, chatbots can be used to provide a personalized interaction through recommended products, targeted content and many more.
  • If any issue arises with a product, AI chatbots can perform as the first line of communication to understand customer concerns. With simple issues getting resolved quickly, his method can streamline a company’s customer service processes. This also indicates a company’s take towards innovative measures in handling customer feedback and queries. 

AI chatbot tools might have the ability to study customer behavior and predict their next move. This helps companies craft tailored messages, products and any specific services which might interest customers. 

features of AI chatbots

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With the help of AI chatbots, workflows are further streamlined, resulting in more sales. This technology also increased customer support significantly and improved customer satisfaction. Most importantly, companies using AI as a tool to reinvent their businesses could necessarily throw a positive response towards customers. Customers could understand from these company approaches that their products could be meant to offer more features, value and sustainability in the long run. 

Future of AI are on the right path-

AI chatbot tools with similar features are generally seen in the ecommerce industry. Reports indicate that several B2B companies have started using artificial intelligence to boost customer experience. In 2024, companies are using AI to improve their websites. This could help brands retain customers from availing their services. Brands that put customer experience as their priority are reported to note 60% growth in terms of profits. 


With AI tools, companies can revolutionize the buying experience of a customer. In the age of multiple choices, companies being able to express a personalized experience for customers, are getting ahead in the competition. With the help of data analysis, companies can craft targeted marketing campaigns to motivate customers to look further into their desired products and services.

When a customer buys a product or service from a company, ensuring a long-lasting relationship is essential. But this is more than just a transaction. Long waiting times can often have a negative impact on a customer’s support towards a company. AI chatbots, with a quick response rate will impress customers. In 2024, AI chatbots are more responsive. They are improving and are sharing a humanized response to a customer’s query. But it is also crucial to understand that technology and humans are a synergized establishment. The collaboration of the two parties shall ensure the sustainability of the society.