IPhone is not the deal of everyone’s pocket, still people are crazy for it!
What makes the iPhone different that even though it is so expensive everyone is mad for it?
Apple Iphone is a well-known company and brand.

Before understanding the market strategy let’s take a brief look at Apple INC.
Apple Inc or Apple Incorporation is a multinational technology giant of America situated at Cupertino, California. It is one of the top leading companies in smartphones, tab, laptops, watches. It is the first US company to hit the $3 trillion milestone in 2022. It was founded by Steve jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne back in 1976.
Product offer by Apple Inc
- Iphone: A smart phone that gives you a status symbol. Yes, you heard it right! People are crazy for it. Apple has launched Iphone 14 in 2022 and is ready to launch IPhone 15 soon.
- I-pad: A touch screen tablet started in 2010 with all the features of laptop and smartphones.
- Mac book: Laptop designed by Apple Inc. It is the brand name of the Mac notebook.
- I watch: Apple designed watches with latest tech add on features.
- Apple TV: A smart TV designed and marketed by Apple Inc.
- Air pods: Are Bluetooth earphones by Apple Inc.
- IPod: It is a portable media player of Apple Inc.
Apple’s Marketing Strategy
- Change the way you advertise:
Apple doesn’t advertise its product on different social sites. It changed the way of advertising. Apple associates its brand with celebrities and popular shows to get the attention of Customers. It impacts the customer directly by looking at their role models/ ideals using the Iphone. Thus, Apple associates celebrities, entrepreneur to advertise.
- Find Your Fanboys/ Fan girls
- Apple don’t play for price war
Apple has its own market price. It does not compare the prices of its product with other rivalries, it keeps itself a unique identity. Which allows Apple to get the customer even at so expensive prices.
Apple core focus is on Unique Value Proposition that helps it to move ahead of others competitors in the market.
- KYC or Know your Customer / Target Audience
Apple customers don’t find for the best price They know the brand, loyalty and quality. That what makes Apple a unique identity among the other smartphones and tablet players. Apple focuses on the target audience and knows their needs.
- A simple Marketing Technique
Apple simplifies their marketing strategy to simple and soft. They don’t promise any fake fancy, attractive words to catch the customer. They simply provide the best content marketing with simple jargon.
- Better Customer Experience
To provide their customers with the best experience Apple, try to give the feeling of loyal customer. Apple, service to their customer, designing of the Apple store are done in such a well manner that gives the customer a worthy feel for the money he spent on Apple’s product.
- Focus on value
Apple’s core objective is to provide better customer value. Rather than involve in the price war Apple provides the customer with better value which forces the customer to pay the premium for their products.
- Use the Language which Customer knows
Apple talks with their customers in the language which their stakeholders understand. Not Every person buying Apple’s product is techy. He might not understand the tech jargon, features or functions. But Apple made this easy by talking in the terms the user understands.
This allows Apple to have an edge over all other rivals in the market. Apple has almost no competition in terms of the users. As an Iphone user knows its value and what it delivers to him.
Disclaimer: This article is to make you familiar with Apple’s marketing strategy which makes Apple a unique choice among the users. This is not a promotional article.