On Tuesday, online brokerage firm Zerodha said it is receiving reports of intermittent connectivity issues on its trading platform Kite via the Cloudflare network for users on specific ISPs, and
Jun 21, 2022
“When the bits of (unpublished price-sensitive information) that then became selectively available the company abdicated its responsibility to verify and come clean on the unverified information that was floating around,”
Description-: The Union government has approached top 85 Indian companies including Reliance and Bharat Forge to hire Agniveers once they retire four years later and the feedback has been positive,
“For enabling the bank to evaluate a potential fund raising at an appropriate time, the board of directors seek approval from members of the bank for borrowing/raising funds in Indian/foreign
This essentially means that customers now can’t load such wallets/cards with their credit lines. This order will impact fintech players that allow a host of services to the customers including
Bungie Inc, the creator of the “Halo” game and producer of “Destiny,” will be acquired by Sony Interactive Entertainment in a $3.6 billion transaction, marking the newest in a series
Other Asia markets, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo and Seoul were quoting in the green during mid-session trade. In an attempt to continue recovery, the Sensex and Nifty indices extended gains
The deal aims to reallocate rights to tax big digital groups such as Apple and Google to the countries where the end clients are located India’s equalization levy, or the
The market has been in a sharp downtrend over the last 14-15 sessions. Minor consolidations or small upside bounces have resulted in a sharp weakness as of now. Hence, any
Jun 20, 2022
LIC’s shares fell to their fresh 52-week low on the NSE on June 20 as the investment banker’s research wing initiated coverage on the stock with an ‘outperform’ rating JP
At present, it seems unlikely that the exercise will be over before 30 June. Seeking an extension from the regulator seems inevitable,” one of the people cited above said, adding
Sri Lanka is battling its worst financial crisis since independence in 1948, as decades of economic mismanagement and recent policy errors coupled with a hit from COVID-19 to tourism and
Jan 10, 2025
Jan 9, 2025