In his venture into the business world, Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple products unveiled the most popular iPhone, iPad, and Mac. The debut of these products fascinated everyone. It is true that no other electronics company has a fan base as large as that of Apple.
Apple is a brand that defines a degree of excellence and quality. Products of this brand are consumed by top celebrities. The over-the-top price tags of Apple products do not discourage its customers from purchasing them.
But there is much that the tech giant includes that you might not be aware of. Here is a list of 12 interesting facts about the most hyped electronic company – Apple.
The first Apple Logo Featured Issac Newton
The very first Apple logo emphasized Sir Isaac Newton. It illustrated Sir Issac sitting under a tree, with an apple about to hit his head. This logo was designed by the less-recognized Apple founder Ronald Wayne. Another logo representing a rainbow apple was devised by Rob Janoff, which substituted Sir Isaac and was in effect for a quite long until the new solid logo was released.
People thought Apple sold organic components
Initially, when the company was established, the name ‘Apple’ which was given by founder Steve Jobs, led people to think that the company sold organic products. In fact, Jobs was inclined to the fruit apple and therefore named the company based on the fruit.
Steve Jobs primarily wanted the original iPhone to be used as a regular phone

Since cell phones facilitated texting and social media incorporation, it’s not hyperbole to state that the iPhone changed cell phones into immensely functional mini-computers. The original iPhone was developed to primarily operate as a phone.
The Apple I Cost around $666.66
The customers of Apple company have never been discouraged by its extravagant prices. Lately, the prices of Apple PC have soared, which has aroused concern among many apple buyers. Presently the 17-inch MacBook Pro or MacBook Air is costlier than the very first Apple PC. The Apple I was ascertained at a cost of $666.66, as elucidated by Steve Wozniak at a news conference and stated the following, “I was into repeating digits,” he said and specified that the discount price to stores was $500, and affixing a third by rounding up the total cost to $667, which was later altered by Woz to $666.66.
Apple has no smoking policy near its products
The company retains a “no smoking” policy concerning its PCs. It may sound funny, but if you violate the policy and smoke while operating an Apple PC, the guarantee gets nullified which intends at cautioning you. Apple doesn’t fix the PCs of purchasers that were found containing tar soot from cigarettes, declaring that it imposed a threat of “biohazard” on its employees.
The Name “Mac” got its inspiration from an Apple
From where did the name Mac originate? The representative of Apple Jef Raskin is responsible for launching the machine after his first variety of apples, and for prudently binding the whole natural product matter concurrently. The name Mac was introduced to serve as a code name.
However, Raskin clearly had a decent name in mind when he created it, as Macintosh retained great strength and clung to the very end of the product cycle.
Apple is extremely successful

Apple possesses money that is double the amount of cash as the U.S. Depository! The company is producing so much that in 2014 during the initial quarter, it received more capital than the combined cost of Amazon e-commerce, Google, and Facebook. About $150 billion of Apple’s surplus resources are concealed in bank accounts. The company can possibly invest in big organizations such as Netflix, Twitter, and Tesla.
Apple Watch was designed to be rectangular
Most of the watches manufactured across the world have round cases. Ultimately, Apple adopted the flip side of it and made the Apple Watch rectangular. For the moment, Apple Watches consists of a rectangular touch interface with regulated corners and a turning crown button that provides the feature of scrolling.
Apple sold more watches in 2019 than the entire Swiss watch industry
According to the research firm Strategy Analytics, Apple Watch exceeded the exclusive Swiss watch industry in the year 2019. As denoted by the UK-based advising agency Strategy Analytics, Apple marketed 30.7 million watches in 2019, contradicted by 21.1 million sold by the Swiss Watch industry. In spite of the fact that Swiss watches are deluxe and have several consumers retained, Apple watches have employed an exceptional place in the market.
Apple made a $17,000 Gold Apple Watch
Alongside the first original Apple Watch which retailed at $349, Apple additionally revealed a watch estimated at $17,000. The top-notch quality “Release”, was evaluated between the range of $10,000 and $17,000 and was created using style compounds of rose or yellow 18-karat gold. The Chinese market delegated the “Release ” watch.
The Name “iPod” Was Inspired By 2001: A Space Odyssey

Vinnie Chieco, a Sharp publicist is recognized for figuring out the iPod name as a new Apple product. The story behind this is that Jobs had credibly selected the MP3 player’s watchword which was supposed to be “1,000 tunes in your pocket,” leaving it open for name choices since it wouldn’t need to clearly refer to something concerning music.
The First iPod Had A Secret Easter Egg

Mac’s first iPod came along with a quiet secret which was an Easter egg. It was a game that could obtain if you were aware of the correct blend of catches to press. Steps that included in doing so were “Go to the ‘About’ menu, then hold down the center catch for about three seconds, and you’ll earn a Breakout (Pong) game to play in the time you tune in.” The secret game Breakout is prominent in Apple’s collection of experiences when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak joined hands and where a legend has it that Jobs fudged Wozniak thousands of dollars which included bonus money.
The ventures of Steve Jobs were successful. Apple has a name of its own in the universe of electronics. The company’s slogan is “Think Different” and it encourages people to do the same. It is amongst the most acknowledged slogans of the 21st Century. And as the past can be the greatest clue of the future, it is certain that Apple will proceed with innovating new products, that will bring along new stories to delight us.