Trust in time as it will guide you through the light. Entrepreneurs are true believers of this perspective, as they are the beacon of resilience. While there are several challenges in scaling a business and evolving it into a legacy, leadership starts with a simple gratitude. Every industry in every timeline of history had to have compassion and respect towards their ideas. This could lead to a great product that has changed the lives of society.

In every economic volatility, industries have endured roadblocks. The real estate industry has been one of them. But for the remarkable far-sightedness of its leaders, this industry has transitioned seamlessly into the modern business model. 

Lala Ram

Business Outreach Magazine respects its readers, collaborates with some of the brightest minds and always keeps a long ear towards innovation. Bharat’s economic landscape has met some of the best forward-thinkers and we, the editorial, cannot hesitate to express the success story of Lala Ram. The industry of real estate is becoming impressive and progressive due to the expertise of Lala Ram, Director, Ramji Corp. 

Being the eldest son of the Ramji family, Lala Ram has over two decades of experience in Business Development, Trading of Crude Oil, Fertilizers, Hi-End Luxury Farmhouse, Land Procurement & Master Planning in Indian, Middle-ester & CIS Countries. With strategic planning of Lala Ram, Ramji Corp is acing services in growing the mid-segment luxury housing projects and takes care of the key departments of Designing, Construction, Marketing and Human Resources Management.  

It has been riveting to understand the diverse network and clientele of Lala Ram. His excellent people skills allowed him to build sustainable relationships from Bharat’s hard working farmers, who are beautifully etched to their land of culture to high-profile business tycoons, who are dominating scalability. Over his distinguished career, Lala Ram has always embraced his mindset with his family’s rich culture. To this day, Lala Ram has been uplifted by the ideals of his father. His father has been a monumental role model for Lala Ram and his brothers. It is the grit and discipline of his father that taught Lala Ram to acquire and thrive in the entrepreneurial mindset. 

Lala Ram is an avid consumer of knowledge. Leadership demands experience and Lala Ram has engaged himself with several insightful conversations with other business tycoons, both from Bharat and beyond our borders. These stories, painted with invaluable information, put forward blueprints of determination, patience and commitment. Lala Ram started as a Junior Real-Estate Consultant at Ramji Corp. Gradually, he climbed up the career ladder by fostering innovative thinking. Ramji Corp, under the supervision of Lala Ram, worked on groundbreaking products which include the digital transformation of the company. Lala Ram knows that the modern economy demands businesses to stay abreast with the latest trends and embrace updated technology. 

When it comes to educational background, Lala Ram pursued an MBA in International Business from Leeds University, UK. This program equipped him with the knowledge of global markets, cross-cultural dynamics, and strategic management. Lala Ram completed his BBA from Madras University which solidified his business acumen. Furthermore, he completed a Diploma in Foreign Trade at the Foreign Trade Development Centre. 

Lala Ram can analyze that the real estate industry is providing limitless potential in the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. The luxury affordable housing in this region is scaling at a rapid pace which leads to Ramji Corp acquiring land parcels strategically for future projects. Although the growth in metropolitan cities is unparalleled, Lala Ram and Ramji Corp aims to deliver iconic commercial and retail spaces within these vibrant hubs. Lala Ram shares “It’s about creating homes that feel premium and exclusive, but at price points that are attainable for many. This isn’t about being ‘cheap’ or ‘low market’ – it’s about intelligent luxury that respects both aspirations and budgets.” 

These projects would boast of its sleek office towers, retail complexes and entertainment zones, all seamlessly integrated. The success of a company is ensured by its dedication to serve its customers. Lala Ram shares with appreciation about Ramji Corp associating itself with various High Net Worth Individual (HNI) to landowners and villagers. Lala Ram focuses on the contrast of these two metrics where HNIs elaborated progress in boardroom, while discussing deeply on the economic championing of India. When it came to having a long-lasting relationship with landowners and villagers, Lala Ram ensured that he deeply appreciates the emotional quotient that these people have over land. After all, Ramji Corp chooses to work on acres of land and not on sq.ft. Understanding the whole backdrop of clientele sentiment is a key point of learning for Lala Ram and Ramji Corp. 

There are several roadblocks behind the business growth of Ramji Corp. Winning in real estate has always mandated Lala Ram to deal with issues like landowners and famer’s family disputes, unreasonable price quotation by the landowners, being cautious about the intricate times like festivals and crop-related activities which could delay project progress and many others. 

Ramji Corp, under the leadership of Lala Ram, aims to deliver about 1 million homes. These homes would be intertwined with joy, memories and prosperity for the owners. This is imperative that such a mindset will make Ramji Corp, one of the Top Real Estate Developers in Asia. When we asked Lala Ram about taking on achievement, his perspective was quite profound. It highlights the interconnectedness of family heritage and the land we inhabit. By nurturing both, we contribute to a lasting legacy that transcends generations.