Milk is a necessity of all human beings as required for regular survival from making tea or coffee to feeding the kids. Have you ever wondered where this milk comes from and which are the top milk-producing states in India? The states rich in milk production are listed here, including all the details and their production throughout the year. India is also a country that exports milk outside the country. This article will unveil the states of India that are rich in producing milk and their capacity to export.

Image Credit- Deccan Herald

Table of Contents
1Top Milk Producing States in India
2Milk Production in India
3Top Milk Producing States in India: From Uttar Pradesh to Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh

Milk Production in India

India has the highest milk production ratio in the world out of which Uttar Pradesh is the highest production state for milk in the country. Various factors make the state best for milk production and out of them the Dairy Farms are at the top where millions of liters of milk are produced and exported to other states.

The other factors that are involved in the production are the milk factories where the milk is produced. As per the record for producing milk in India from 2014 to 2023 it has surged to around 58% and today India is making approx 230.58 million tonnes of milk. 

Milk Producing States in India

Top Milk Producing States in India: From Uttar Pradesh to Andhra Pradesh

India is the largest producer of Milk in the world with the capacity to produce approximately 213,779,230 tons of milk in 2022. India is the country where all the other states are contributing to make it the largest milk producer in the world. Here in this article, we will unveil some of the top contributor states that are producing a large amount of milk.

1- Uttar Pradesh

This state is popular for agricultural and dairy products including Milk the state is the largest producer in India and can produce around 15.7% of milk produced in India. The state produces milk through dairy farms and milk manufacturing companies that are working on dairy farming products that come in the tertiary sector but have the strongest network in the market. The climate conditions and the agricultural land make milk production better in the state which supports the milk producers to fill their requirements like feeding material and places for animals. 

The largest milk producer in India Uttar Pradesh produces 33.01 million metric tons of milk and supplies the milk to other states as well. With this production, the state is looking to enhance its milk production due to which the state is working to change the breeds of the cows which can produce more milk and dairy products like ghee and chach. 

The milk production in the state of Uttar Pradesh has been a unique identity of the state due to which the central and state governments keep them motivated by promoting this practice at a large level. The government also offered them many policies dedicated to the milk producers in the state. 

2- Rajasthan

Rajasthan is the next largest producer in India after Uttar Pradesh and the richness of the milk producers in the state is just because of working in the basic level like agriculture and farming. The availability of some special kinds of cows and animals is also one of the important factors that is making this state produce the largest production of milk. Milk production is basic work but can not be avoided due to its ground-level connection and day-to-day living. 

The state produces around 14.44% of the total milk produced in India and the government is trying to enhance the milk production with the help of providing the best support with the help of policies and funds when they need it. Rajasthan is also one of the states that is still dependent on agriculture as a profession in India which makes it suitable for producing dairy products like milk and other products like ghee and chach.

Rajasthan is the only state where special kinds of cows are available like the Gir and Sahiwal cows enrich the quality of milk and give them a special visibility in. the national platform. We must thank the farmers and milk producers of the state of Rajasthan who are working at the ground level to provide us with the basic needs of human beings.

3- Madhya Pradesh

Among the largest milk producers in India Madhya Pradesh is one of the largest milk producing states which is producing about 8.73% of the total milk produced in the country. The state is in the middle of India which largely produces milk and is known for producing the best quality of dairy products with the help of various factors like having unique varieties of animals. 

The main reason for being one of the largest producers of milk is having the best agricultural model of earning which supports animal farming and milk production. The farmers of Madhya Pradesh are popularly known for producing the best quality of agricultural grains and dairy products like milk and ghee. States like Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh are the largest producers of milk which are feeding the milk market in the world.

4- Gujarat

Gujarat is among the best states in every aspect. It is the best state for offering the best dairy products including Milk and Ghee with the best quality and the A2 protein that is available in the state is known in the world. Gujarat is handling all the milk-related work under the work of the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF).

Only Gujarat in India produces the largest milk production and is counted in the fourth number due to its ability to produce milk which is around 7.49% of the total country’s milk. The state is also supporting businesses and companies to work in this direction to enhance the market profit in dairy products and milk production. The only best brand in the milk-producing world Amul is established in Gujarat where some of the best quality cows like Gir and Sahiwal.

In the city of Anand, once a private corporation started the milk distribution business and now it is the world’s leader in producing milk in India, such stories and motivated steps are making milk production the best business to start in 2024 in all the areas where it can succeed. The company owns the largest milk producers in the state which provides them security and helps for their growth.

5- Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh is the one which is also the largest contributor of milk in India and it is in the fifth position in the list of the top milk-producing states in India. Due to having the best climate the state can use their land for farming which can also lead to cattle grazing and milk production with the help of which the state can produce about 6.70 % of the milk in India. 

The state is using the best techniques to produce the milk and the good weather is helping them to produce it with the bare minimum effort and these are the important factors that make this state the largest milk producer in India. The cross-breed cows and unique skills of animal husbandry are making the state one of the places for the best milk production and agricultural dependence. In the upcoming decades, Andhra Pradesh is going to be the best state for milk production.

Milk production is very important for all states to continue full consumption at high levels and also it will make sure to maintain the best healthcare for the people in the country. The countries who depend on the other countries used to import the milk products and that leads to the great loss of the raw economy. Many powerful places are the largest milk producers in the country and those are among the top states which have been listed here in this article.


Milk is a basic need for all families but none want to have animals for its production and this mindset leads to the milk business surviving in the society which also gives them the chance to enhance the prices they want. Overall here is the list provided above of the 5 top milk-producing states in India that are popular for producing the largest amount of milk in India. The states that are known for milk production are also known for the best farming practices and grain productivity which also make these states agricultural states and contribute to their economic development. 

The global aspect of milk production is also focusing on India which is the largest milk producing country in the world and the above-listed states are the top contributors to making India best in milk production. various factors work to produce the milk and these include the best animal breed and the perfect climate in which they can survive and also be suitable for milk production. The people who are living in such states are also the important factors that are making that state to make it one of the best states for having the great capability to produce milk.