NumberOne Academy, an enablement platform from Kochi focused on SME empowerment, has raised ₹3 crore in a pre-seed funding round. The round was led by T.I.G.E.R and Santosh Nair, making it the second fundraise in the same round, having earlier raised ₹1 crore in December 2023.

numberone academy raises ₹3 crore

PC: Google Play 

A company founded in 2022 by Lajesh Kolath and Madhu Bhaskaran, NumberOne Academy strives to equip SME entrepreneurs with technology and business education for better capabilities. It proposes more than 60 curated courses on the platform, designed by over 25 business coaches, on key topics like growth strategy, sales, marketing, branding, finance, HR, operations, and technology. With this holistic approach, SMEs can acquire critical skills for sustainable growth.

NumberOne Academy will use the new funding to expand its business course suite, and make them accessible in Hindi and other regional languages. This will increase the reach of the platform, enhance its offerings, and make it more inclusive for entrepreneurs across India.

The funds will also be used to enhance NOA, the academy’s AI-powered chatbot, which currently helps SMEs with GST-related issues. The company plans to turn NOA into a Virtual Business Coach that can interact with users in more than 10 regional languages. This development will allow the platform to solve a broader range of business problems that entrepreneurs face and provide them with real-time support and guidance.

Hybrid learning model will be implemented by NumberOne Academy combining online courses with in-person workshops and community events: diverse people have other preference learning types and hence delivers practical information with theories. Using the multi-lingual AI layer over the upskilling courses and digital tool sets will help in engaging more and effectively as compared to user experience.

The successful funding round underlines the increasing popularity of the mission of empowering the SME ecosystem in India by NumberOne Academy. By the use of technology and robust educational framework, the academy aims to arm entrepreneurs with the right skills to help them scale their operations while achieving sustainable growth. At this stage of the progress of the startup, further commitment towards accessibility and appropriate support would be essential to foster a thriving community of empowered SMEs across the nation.

In summary, recent funding to NumberOne Academy indicates the dedication of the academy towards providing accessible education for SMEs. It aims to grow sustainably in the Indian entrepreneurial landscape through expansion and enhanced support.