If we ask to visualize old age, the immediate imageries would be of diseases, weak and feeble body. The general notion is once we assume the status of ‘senior citizens’, we are to start resting without worry. But what if, you could be a senior citizen and yet be active and healthy? What if you could be as productive as you are now? Exactly resonating with these thoughts, wellness evangelist and biohacker, Mr. Sajeev Nair founded VIEROOTS in 2019. This AI-based startup is a pioneer in ‘Personalized Lifestyle Management’ using epigenetic science, which creates personalized lifestyle modifications based on genetic profiling and metabolic assessment.
About Sajeev Nair Founder of VIEROOTS
Sajeev Nair is the founder and chairman of Vieroots Wellness Solutions Pvt. Ltd. He is a health-tech visionary & technology entrepreneur whose mission is to expand people’s vision of wellness and healthcare to a 360-degree view that encompasses both psychology and physiology. Sajeev’s revolutionary biohacking concept of Epigenetic Lifestyle Modification (EPLIMO) is considered to be the most futuristic and scientific approach towards personalized healthcare and wellness. Sajeev has also authored four bestselling books in the human transformation domain.
If we had to speak of numbers, the average life expectancy in India back in 1980s was 50. In comparison to that now, it is 69 and is expected to cross 75 by the year 2025. When we look at the South East Asian countries the life expectancy is above 80. The imperative question here is that when people are living longer, are they living a productive and healthy life? Are they really contributing to the society or they are becoming a liability? The answer to this question is yes! Once can live longer and be healthy and energetic between 60s to 80s owing to the ‘longevity research’.

COVID-19 had made the world rethink of health and wellness. People are making conscious efforts to stay fit and healthy. However, health is not the ‘one size fits all’ band. While a certain diet may workout for one person, it may reflect absolutely no changes for the other. For a very long time, there were no science or technology introduced for personalizing one’s diet and exercise. But now, with the help of genetics and facilities to understand the current health of a person, it is possible to personalize and tailor-make diet and exercise.
VIEROOTS has introduced a product named EPLIMO (Epigenetic Lifestyle Modification), wherein customers go through a genetic predisposition test where by almost 230 health conditions are accessed. The test report gives a clear picture on the level of risks for all the health conditions that one’s body is susceptible to. Coupled with this, the customer also undergoes a metabolic analysis to understand the present health condition through the support of an AI-build mobile application named EPLIMO. In the next process, VIEROOT’s team of doctors, nutritionists and fitness and yoga experts co-relate this data (The Geno Metabolic Data) and come out with a highly personalized lifestyle modification plan. This personalized lifestyle modification plan that includes personalized diet, nutrition, supplements and fitness plan is recommended to customers through the EPLIMO app. VIEROOTS also manufactures and markets high quality functional nutritional products which are based on various aspects in line with nutrition.
To support this cause, VIEROOTS has launched its own learning and development division – VIEGYAN, is a trailblazer in offering Lifestyle Coaching. At VIEGYAN Academy, the Lifestyle Coaching will be unique in comparison to other course providers, because the coaches are empowered with a definitive scientific tool ‘EPLIMO’. The coaches are trained to learn and asses the genetic and metabolic data of a person and handhold the customers to fix their health goals, guide, mentor and achieve their health goals effectively. The team believes that the only way one can provide that level of productivity for people at any age is by empowering them to take charge of their own biology, psychology or physiology, which is generally called as biohacking.
VIEROOTS has handpicked the best people for each of its roles. Starting from the highly experienced customer interaction, communications and marketing department, the team of 30 includes highly qualified and professional geneticists, doctors, nutritionists and fitness experts. Adding to that, they have also empaneled 1000 lifestyle consultants across the country who are actively supporting the customers on field to live long and stay healthy. This team is led by the co-founder and CEO, Aditya Narayan.
About Aditya Narayan
VIEROOTS CEO Aditya Narayan is pioneering World Class Wellness Solutions in India. The young CEO of VIEROOTS Wellness Solutions, he is carrying forward his father Dr Sajeev Nair’s legacy and inspirational work in cutting-edge wellness solutions in India and abroad. Aditya completed his master’s degree in management studies from Kerala and then started his career as a wellness entrepreneur by co-founding this startup. Based on his innate interest and natural grooming, Aditya has inherited from his father his core philosophy and passion for wellness. Walking the talk of VIEROOTS, Aditya also strives to become a young ‘Superhuman’ himself, before asking others to achieve it.
The core X-factor of this organization is the Personalization Lifestyle Management for optimum health. When it comes to the VIEROOTS nutrition supplements, they vouch for the safety, purity and efficacy. The products have been formed uniquely with Ayurvedic herbs produced with absolutely zero compromises on quality and packaging available in India.
“I decided to be a part of VIEROOTS and take equity in it, because it’s what I believe in. We need to understand our body, understand what is good and what is not good for us and when it is with the support of bio hacking, science and genetics, what better you need? Moreover, I believe, wellness is far cheaper than illness, one should invest in one’s health and wellness rather than spending their money in treating diseases. It always good to find the root cause of your probable health issues and remove the underlying causes by implementing necessary preventive measures. The restoring of nutrients that your body needs is equally important to purify, detoxify and improve our overall health. This holistic approach is the best possible solution available in the world. Another thing that drove my attention is the anti-ageing concept, which is exactly what I am trying to prove by myself, that you can get better with your age. I believe in this entire process of holistic and natural approach and it has worked for me well. I can promise, I am going to be at the peak levels of performance at my 60s too.”, says Suneil Shetty, Bollywood actor and fitness enthusiast.
VIEROOTS has also collaborated with The Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga, under the mentorship of Mohanji. They intend to design a fusion of genetics and modern scientific process with the HSTY’s expertise in ancient wellness wisdom of Yoga or Ayurveda discipline. VIEROOTS intends to launch a highly beneficial and scientifically proven wellness solution for the society in terms personalized yoga and mediations. This will be a definite value addition to their existing personalized lifestyle management plans that are offered to customers.
“I feel honored to be an integral part of VIEROOTS and most importantly working along with a visionary leader like Mr. Sajeev Nair has always been a motivating and a learning experience. I am glad my experience and expertise have been beneficial so far. As the Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of VIEROOTS, my focus has always been to bring out perfection, excellence and also uniqueness in whatever we do. Me and my entire team at VIEROOTS have been enthusiastically working toward our ultimate goal of transforming lives of 10 million people to a healthy and productive one by 2025”, says Mr. Sajeev V P, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at VIEROOTS.