59% of Indian Businesses are Using AI Now

According to a study by tech giant IBM, artificial intelligence (AI) is being actively used by about 59% of enterprise-scale organizations in India with more than 1,000 workers.

The study is released at a time when there are still obstacles to AI adoption, such as finding workers with the necessary skill sets and moral dilemmas.

According to the survey, firms will prioritize removing inhibitions resulting from developments driven by artificial intelligence (AI) by 2024.

46% of employers are presently retraining or educating staff members to use new automation and artificial intelligence capabilities.

Artificial intelligence is the result of several technologies collaborating to give robots the ability to see, understand, act, and learn at levels of intellect comparable to that of humans.

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t simply one thing, which may explain why it appears that various people have varied definitions of it.

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