Exploring The World Of Airplane Manufacturing Companies

It is a century old company that was originally established in 1916 The Boeing company is the most renowned company in the aviation industry.


Initiated in 1970 as a common European organization, Airbus has grown into Boeing’s direct competitor and, in recent years, a leader of the global commercial airplane market in terms of deliveries.


Bombardier is from Montreal and has competitively penetrated the market within regional as well as business jets.


The company’s portfolio mainly consists of the E-Jet family of regional airliners and the Phenom series of business jets.


Therefore, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac) is China’s attempt at stepping into the international market and becoming one of the leading players in the Aircraft industry.


Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, has been working on SpaceJet, which used to be known as Mitsubishi Regional Jet.

Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation

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