All-Veg KFC in Ayodhya: Not the First Time for an American Fast-Food Establishment; When Subway, and Pizza Hut Introduced Jain Alternatives

According to Vishal Singh, an Ayodhya government official, “We are ready to provide even KFC a space if it decides to sell only vegetarian items."

Ayodhya strictly prohibits the consumption of meat and alcohol along the Panch Kosi Marg.

This path includes the Panch Kosi Parikrama, a 15-kilometer pilgrimage circuit that circles Ayodhya and visits sacred Ramayana places.

Large food chains have expressed interest in opening stores in Ayodhya. The only restriction is that they cannot offer non-vegetarian cuisine within the panch Kosi.

The Times of India stated that in 2013, Subway not only established an all-vegetarian restaurant in Ahmedabad but also provided Jain menu items.

Large food chains have expressed interest in opening stores in Ayodhya. The only restriction is that they cannot offer non-vegetarian cuisine within the panch Kosi.

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