BlackRock Expands Presence in Dubai

BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest asset management firm, intends to pay more attention to the Middle East by building its research capability and relocating a senior strategist to Dubai.

BlackRock has appointed Ben Powell as head of strategy for the Middle East and Asia Pacific within its BlackRock Investment Institute.

Appoints Ben Powell as Chief Strategist

It will also turn out to be an important platform for BlackRock with respect to strengthening its research capabilities by providing portfolio managers and clients.

Objectives of the Expansion

He underlined the dynamic and promising investment landscape in the Middle East, powered by a large, young, fast-growing population, an innovative, dynamic financial market, and new funds emerging.

Strategic Importance of the Middle East

The firm had been pushing to build up operations, including stationing a dedicated investments team in Riyadh following huge inflows of investment from the Saudi Arabian state wealth fund.

BlackRock’s Presence and Funds

Going forward, BlackRock is best positioned in the Middle East for the capture of evolving market dynamics and emerging opportunities.

Future Prospects and Dynamics of the Market

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