High-End Auctions: Dubai Establishes Itself as a Global Hub for Luxury Car and Watch Sales

Dubai’s emergence as a center for high-end auctions was cemented with the success of RM Sotheby’s inaugural sale in the emirate that netted over $17 million for rare cars and watches.

The auction underscored Dubai’s growing prominence as a destination for collectors and investors in the global luxury market.

With three supercars fetching more than $10 million each, the results highlight the depth of wealth and demand among clients in the Middle East region.

Dubai buyers are willing to pay top dollar for the most exclusive automotive assets.

It is noteworthy that all three of the $10 million+ cars were relatively new examples, suggesting the seeker was acquiring both an exclusive driving experience and a long-term store of value.

This will likely increase demand and prices for rare watches with Middle Eastern provenance going forward.