Important considerations for female entrepreneurs before starting a business.

Women’s entrepreneurship is on the rise, with an increasing number of women starting their own businesses and following their dreams.

Arti Jain, Co-Founder, The Fragrance People: It is critical to have a clear understanding of your target market’s needs and desires.

Nidhi Aggarwal, CEO of SpaceMantra: Market research can assist you in better understanding your target audience’s needs and how you can meet those needs.

Amandeep Kaur, Founder & CEO, Phoenix TalentX Branding: Entrepreneurship is genderless in my opinion.

Shweta Tanwar Mukherjee, Founder of SociallKnot, is an entrepreneur and content creator: It is critical to understand the purpose of your business and the impact you wish to make.

Minal Anand, Founder & CEO, GuruQ: As a female entrepreneur, I’ve learned that the road to success isn’t always easy, but it’s always worthwhile.

Saroja Yeramilli, Founder & CEO, Melorra: My advice to female entrepreneurs is to be confident in their abilities and to be resilient.