Google is providing staff with free electric scooters

The COVID-19 pandemic has put an end to work from home for most large corporations. The bulk of tech companies, including Google, are in the same boat. Employees at the Sundar Pichai-led IT firm have been forced to leave their homes and begin reporting to work this week. Google is giving away free electric scooters to encourage staff to return to work. In Silicon Valley, the tech behemoth has traditionally provided free shuttle bus service to its employees.

The new “Ride Scoot” service has been launched by Google in collaboration with e-scooter maker Unagi. Most Google employees in the United States can get compensated for the whole cost of a monthly subscription to Unagi’s elegant Model One scooter, which costs $990. The aim of the Ride Scoot programme, according to Unagi’s founder and CEO David Hyman, is to enable Google employees get back to work, or at least closer to a bus stop, so they can commute to work without issue.

The new “Ride Scoot” service has been launched by Google in collaboration with e-scooter maker Unagi. Most Google employees in the United States can get compensated for the whole cost of a monthly subscription to Unagi’s elegant Model One scooter, which costs $990. The aim of the Ride Scoot programme, according to Unagi’s founder and CEO David Hyman, is to enable Google employees get back to work, or at least closer to a bus stop, so they can commute to work without issue.