India’s Health Deserves More Fund Allocation: Experts

Insiders say funding from the government towards health in India is now low, in the range of 1.6-1.8 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. This can be said to be next to nothing compared to what we really need.

As of now, it really is being hastened by Dr. Harsh Mahajan, Chairman of the FICCI Health Services Committee, and Founder & Chief Radiologist at Mahajan Imaging Labs.

He has also spoken about the importance of diagnostic and preventive healthcare. He bats for the minuscule amount of customs duty on life-saving equipment and diagnostic reagents and machines.

Just think of the help that would come of that! It also completely defeats the purpose with regard to Goods and Services Taxes.

First, he emphasized that more funds were needed to really ensure that primary, secondary, and tertiary care reached the doorstep of the rural population.

She is advocating for a national level of control program for Thalassemia, just like that of Sickle Cell Anaemia.

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