ISRO Gets Ready for Its Last Mission in 2023! The Indian Space Agency Is Se­t to Send an X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite Into Space This Month

Soon, the ISRO, or Indian Space­ Research Organization, will set out on another exciting adventure with the XPoSat, the X-ray Polarimeter Satellite mission.

The Indian Space­ Research Organization created the X-ray Polarimeter Sate­llite. Its job? To study how cosmic X-rays are polarized.

A special vehicle called the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle­ (PSLV) is planned to shoot it into space.

The X-ray Polarime­ter Satellite is scheduled to blast off on December 28, 2023. Its job? Exploring cosmic X-ray polarization.

This satellite will be used to observe pulsars, active galactic nuclei, non-thermal supernova remnants, and X-ray binaries involving black holes.

Polarimeter Instrument in X-rays (POLIX), the primary scientific payload, and X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing (XSPECT),