According to Mining Industry Analysts, the Supreme Court’s Delay Will Harm the Sector

Industry analysts predict a short-term drop in mineral production since current mines will be unable to extend their operations without previous environmental licenses.

According to analysts, the stay might extend the manufacturing timetable by several years.

The mining sector is expected to be disrupted as a result of the Supreme Court’s recent stay ruling, which temporarily suspends the granting of ex-post facto (after-the-fact or retroactive) environmental clearances (ECs).

Environmental specialists, on the other hand, emphasize that doing an EIA acts as a kind of mitigation.

They emphasize that mitigation attempts may be useless or impossible if mining activities have already caused harm.

However, if conducted after the mining activities have ended, there is no provision for repairing the damage

A Mining License is only issued to an organization once an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project has been completed

These breaches might arise as a result of construction, expansion, modernization, or changes in product mix.