Renewable Energy Investments Will Increase by 83% to $16.5 Billion by 2024

According to projections from the power ministry, India’s investments in renewable energy projects would expand by more than 83% to roughly USD 16.5 billion by 2024

India is likely to witness 25 GW of renewable energy capacity addition entailing an investment of Rs 1,37,500 crore

Apart from solar and wind energy, India has placed a strong emphasis on green hydrogen to minimize reliance on fossil fuels

India has a diesel-based economy in the sense that diesel fuel is used in the majority of commercial vehicles for passenger and freight services.

The Union Cabinet authorized the National Green Hydrogen Mission in January of this year, with a budget of Rs 19,744 crore.

Other bidders were Matrix Gas and Renewables, HHP Seven, HomiHydrogen, Newtrace, C. Doctor & Company, Pratishna Engineers, and LiveHy Energy.