Rising Sea Level: A Major Threat to India.

The rising sea level is a prevalent environmental issue that is affecting many coastal regions around the world, including India. According to recent data, the average sea level has increased by approximately 8 inches, or 21 cm, since 1880.

Impact on India: India boasts a lengthy 7,517 km coastline that is inhabited by a substantial population and plays host to many important economic activities.

Flooding: One of the most impactful consequences of the rising sea level is flooding. The rise in sea level results in the intrusion of seawater into low-lying areas.

Erosion: The rising sea level also causes significant erosion of coastal areas. As seawater intrudes into the land, it washes away the sand and soil.

Salinization: The increasing sea level has a significant impact on freshwater sources, as it enables seawater to seep into freshwater aquifers.

Food Chain: The rise in sea level can cause alterations in the food chain, leading to changes in the abundance and distribution of various species.