Suzuki’s INR 200 Crore Fund in Improving Rural Development and Maruti’s Expansion

In a giant step towards market expansion and rural development, Suzuki Motors Corporation has declared setting up a fund for India of 200 crore.

The endeavor explicitly targets improvement of business environments in the rural area, a critical segment of the company subsidiary Maruti Suzuki.

Rural India has been an important market for Maruti Suzuki over many years. The company, a wholly own subsidiary of a Japanese giant, Suzuki Motors Corporation.

Presently, close to 40% of Maruti Suzuki’s overall sales come from this part of India.

The $40-million fund that Suzuki has just announced recently attests to the company’s strategy of deepening engagement with rural India.

The fund is expected to help in creating ancillary industries and service providers, thus generating employment and boosting the local economy.

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