Satya Nadella Wants Microsoft to ‘copilot’ India’s AI Development

I want us to be the co-pilot for India as it takes advantage of AI, creates its own AI products across all of these sectors, and exports them to the world

Nadella arrived in Mumbai earlier in the day for a two-day visit, a yearly routine, with the subject for 2024 being AI and the potential it brings.

India has a fantastic chance to leverage general-purpose technologies such as AI and generative AI across a wide range of public and commercial sectors and across industries.

The Indian-origin CEO also stated that AI is transforming economic productivity and that he has never seen a general-purpose technology with such a broad influence.

According to him, software development and frontline employment in retail and healthcare are two industries experiencing rapid growth.

If the previous age was about “information at your fingertips,” the AI era is about “expertise at your fingertips” in industries like retail and healthcare.