Telecom Equipment Sales Breach INR 50,000 Crore As Over 17,000 Jobs Created Under PLI Scheme

PLI has taken the Indian sector of telecom equipment to new heights. In just three years, it has scaled sales of over INR 50,000 crore and more than 17,000 jobs.

The PLI scheme, announced to increase domestic manufacturing and reduce dependence on imports, enabled large investments to flow into the telecom segment and generated jobs.

In October 2022, it shortlisted 42 firms committed to investing INR 4,115 crore.

These firms are eyeing additional sales of INR 2.45 lakh crore until the scheme period ends in 2025-26.

The list of shortlisted firms includes domestic giants such as VVDN Technologies, which has just inaugurated a production line for 4G and 5G connectivity modules and data cards.

The shipment of Indian-manufactured telecom products started reaching erstwhile highly developed markets such as the US, Europe, and Japan.

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