World food prices decline for the 12th consecutive month running in March

It is difficult to predict the exact food prices in 2023, as they are influenced by a variety of factors such as weather conditions, supply chain disruptions, and global economic conditions.

While declining food prices may benefit consumers, it is important to ensure that farmers and producers are still able to receive fair compensation for their work to maintain a sustainable food system.

The Rome-based organization says the decline in the index reflects the fall in food, vegetable oil, and dairy products prices, and offsets the rise in sugar and meat prices.

FAO also increased its world food production forecast for 2022 to 2,777 million tons, down only 1.2 percent from the previous year.

FAO said that global grain consumption is estimated at 2.779 billion tons in 2022/23, down 0.7 percent from 2021/22.