Yali Capital has launched a new fund in India of INR 810 crore for Deeptech startups. This is set to bolster the deeptech investment segment and lend startups the cash they require to work on these frontier technologies.

Yali Capital

PC: YourStory.com

Being a SEBI-approved Category-II Alternative Investment Fund, Yali Capital certainly has a big target towards the ambitious fund launch. The base target for this fund is to close at INR 500 crore; above that, an additional greenshoe provisional amount of INR 310 crore. The greenshoe option allows Yali Capital to have an upsize in the fund amounting to INR 310 crore in case there is adequate demand from investors to take it to a sum of INR 810 crore.

Focus on Deeptech

The new fund comes designedly to back deeptech startups. Deeptech, characterized by significant scientific or engineering challenges, includes areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain, biotechnology, quantum computing, and so on. Such sectors are renowned for having a high developmental potential but also entail massive investments in research and development. On that background, access to capital is of essence to their growth.

Investment Strategy

Yali Capital targets investments at an early to growth stage of start-ups. The objective of the fund is to support companies building innovative solutions with the potential of scale and mass impact. Identification of startups at every level of development will allow Yali Capital to build a strong pipeline that will be able to scale fast and really contribute toward technological advancement and economic growth in India.

That such an enormous fund would be siphoned and solely dedicated to deeptech speaks to the recognition of the sector as key to driving innovation and economic growth. Deeptech startups often face difficulties in securing investors, as innovations are usually high risk in terms of commercialization and associated with long development cycles. Financing at Yali Capital kind of bridges this gap by offering the required financing, which enables a promising deeptech start-up to focus on innovation and development, rather than with the pressure related to having to raise funds at every moment.

Impact on the Startup Ecosystem

This fund is most likely to have a game-changing effect on the Indian startup ecosystem. With substantial financial support, Yali Capital empowers deeptech startups to unleash their full potential when it comes to technology. This could result in heterogeneous breakthroughs in technological development that might be beneficial not only to the tech world but might also eventually help bypass some of the most pressing issues in the world with technological innovation.

Also, this launch of the fund signals in the positive to the other investors on the viability and potential of the deeptech startups and brings confidence for more investments by other venture capitalists and institutional investors. It could build a multiplier effect with a further acceleration in the growth of the deeptech sector in India.

The INR 810 crore fund from Yali Capital is one of the milestone initiatives for the deeptech startup ecosystem in India. The fund focuses on deeptech startups in early to growth stages to achieve innovation through the development of milestone technologies with great promise. With such huge financial backing at one’s disposal, the startup now in theory should be able to bypass funding issues and just focus on solution development to make a profoundly positive difference in the tech space and beyond. Through this initiative, Yali Capital is not only supporting individual startups but is enabling the larger goal of positioning India as a global leader in deeptech innovation.